New VTTA Standards for 2021

Below is an introduction to the new age standards plus an introduction to the new vets handicap tables from the VTTA National Chairman Andrew Simpkins.

This link takes you to the VTTA website where you can download the new tables and find out more details.


2021 Standard Tables and the new Handicap Tables


Following the meeting with Group Recorders on 7th March and the National Forum on 13th March we are publishing revised Standards Tables for 2021. These tables reflect the incorporation of actual vets’ performances in 2019 and 2020 in our statistical model. They therefore reflect the most up to date position regarding comparative performances across all ages.


We are also publishing a set of Veteran Handicap Tables, using what has been termed the ‘Rudyard Method’. See further below.


Both sets of tables are included in the two attached documents – the documents are identical in content but one is in pdf format and the other in Excel format.


Would Group Secretaries please ensure that all your event organisers for 2021 receive a copy of this letter and the attachments and ask them to use these tables in their VTTA events.


The revised Standards Tables have also been published in the Annual VTTA Handbook which has just been issued with the March Veteran. The revised Standards Tables should also be available for download from the website in the next couple of days.


Kind regards


Andrew Simpkins

National Chairman


Brief Notes


There are guidance notes in the attached documents but please particularly note the following:

  1. Structure of the Tables

The Standards Tables are provided as usual for men and women solo bicycles and solo tricycles and for men and women tandem bicycles and tandem tricycles (sheets/pages 5 to 12).

The new Veteran Handicap Tables are provided for the same categories (sheets/pages 13 to 20).


There are then composite Standards Tables and Handicap Tables for solos and tandems at all the distances, and at 12/24 hours (sheets/pages 21 to 24).


The pdf file is designed for ease of printing.

The Excel tables are designed for use by computer software.

  1. Vet’s Handicap Tables

The ‘Rudyard Method’ of providing a Vets’ Handicap Result was presented at the 2020 AGM and in The Veteran magazine. At the 2021 AGM it was proposed to trial this method in some events in 2021 including national championships. Groups are encouraged to trial this method, alongside results on actual and plus, in one or more of their events this season.


The Rudyard Method is based on the Standards Tables but presents them as age adjustments which can be subtracted from a rider’s actual time to give a Vets’ Handicap Result. In the case of distance events, 12 and 24 hours, the adjustment is added to the actual distance.


A way of understanding the Vets’ Handicap Result is that it presents what each rider’s time would have been if they were a 40 year old e.g. a 60 year old rider effectively gets a 20 year adjustment. 


The general feedback has been that the Vets’ Handicap Result is a more intelligible and comparable result for the typical rider than a Standard ‘plus’. The trial this year will help us decide how to proceed with this approach.

  1. Vet’s Handicap Results on CTT

There is a facility to post a handicap result when uploading an Excel result file to the CTT system. The Vets’ Handicap Results should be entered in the column entitled “handicapped time hh:mm:ss”. This column is then available in the ‘Download csv’ option for results. The handicap result can also of course be included in the Results pdf file the organiser may upload.